Saturday, August 17, 2013

Ruwanwalisaya Stupa in Sri Lanka

Simply known also as the Great Stupa, the Ruwanwalisaya was constructed by Duttagamini(King Dutugemunu) after he become king in 161 BCE. This was his most ambitious project and it is said that one of the architects designed the done to resemble a bubble of milk . Sadly, the king did not live to see the completion of stupa(Pagoda).
When it was finally completed, it was one of the wonder of the ancient world, with a diameter of 91. The compound of the stupa is surrounded by four walls with elephant figures made into them. It is believed that relics of the Buddha are enshrined within the stupa (Pagoda).
The Ruwanwalisaya was also designed with the teaching of the Buddha in mind. Its dome signifies the vastness of the doctrine, the Four Noble Truths, the concentric rings indicate the Noble Eightfold path, and the large crystal at the pinnacle represents the ultimate Buddhist goal of enlightenment.

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